We Learn Business by Doing Business!

Most business schools attempt to expose students to the real-world by having them analyze cases about existing business organizations and/or engaging in consulting projects. The Integrative Business Experience (IBE) uses exactly the opposite strategy. Instead of giving students what is inevitably a superficial exposure to someone else’s organization, we have them create and operate two organizations of their own. One is a start-up business (based on an actual bank loan of up to $5,000). The other involves using the profit from their business to carry out a hands-on community service project.

Program Highlights

  • Student Testimonials

    "This experience has not only taught me the course material, or how to start and run a business, but also it has taught me a lot about myself. I am a very hard worker..."

  • IBE Progress

    To date students have donated $352,260 and 23,827service hours. Click below to see more about all that we have accomplished...